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Joke Time! The CCB Open Mic

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  • Презентации / Развлечения


Reserve a free ticket online! 

**In English!/Auf Englisch!** 
Show start: 8:30p
Door: 8:00p
Suggested donation 5€
Come early for drinks!

In the words of some famous playwright, “Brevity is the shit!”

So check your “Storytelling”, your “Poetry Slamming” and your “Spoken Wording” at the door because at Joke Time!, we’re about one thing and one thing only: Jokes.

Setup. Punchline. Laughter, ideally.

We host up to twenty acts who get three minutes each! (Less acts means more time.) We give out ten spots on Facebook, and ten to performers who turn up at the doors of the Comedy Café Berlin by 8pm. After your set, you get a free beer or soft drink.

The audience gets laughs.

Hosted by 
Toby Arsalan, definitely known to his friends as The Joke Machine.

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  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} каждую неделю через каждые {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • Бесплатно
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  • 60 Не ограничено  
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  • Comedy Café Berlin

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