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SingularityU Germany Summit 2017

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  • Презентации / Образование


SingularityU Summits, originally from the Silicon Valley, California USA, are two-day conferences held in key international cities across the globe to help local leaders understand how to apply exponential technologies to create positive changes and economic growth in their regions. In April 2016, the first SingularityU Germany Summit took place in Berlin with great success.

In May 2017 the SingularityU Summit returns to Berlin with new program and new format. The main topics at this summit will be Exponential Organizations, The Future of Work, Mobility in 2025, Space Technologies, Finance of Tomorrow, 3D Printing & Manufacturing, Networking & Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Life Sciences & Digital HealthBeyond the traditional talk sessions, innovative and interactive new formats such as “deep-dive“ and “breakout“ sessions are also to be expected.

What is SingularityU?
SingularityU Global embodies the alumni community of Singularity University. Our alumni are at the forefront of driving ideas, impact, and change using exponential technologies to address humanity's grand challenges in your communities. Singularity University is a platform for education and action that is focused on understanding how exponential technology can be leveraged to drive global impact. Singularity University aspires to create a global community of doers. SingularityU Global activities are designed in the spirit of Singularity University’s mission, but powered by our alumni community around the world.

What is a SingularityU Summit?
SingularityU Summits are two-day conferences held across the globe to help local leaders understand how exponential technologies can be used to create positive change and economic growth in their region. Summits become an annual point of connection and inspiration for the local community, a catalyst to accelerate a local culture of innovation, and an opportunity to highlight breakthrough technologies, startups and ideas.


Important information concerning Ticket Cancellation/ Attendee Sustitutions:

The attendee may cancel his registration without cost, and receive a full refund of the attendance fee, up until 14 days before the scheduled date of the event. No reasons need to be given. Such cancellation by the attendee must be in writing. In case the attendee cancels his registration at any date after the April 14th 2017, he shall pay the full ticket price.

Tickets to SingularityU Germany Summit are personalized but transferable. Substitutions are allowed with the written permission of the original registrant, without additional cost. For substitution requests please write an email to: ticketing@singularityugermanysummit.org

General Terms and Conditions of SingularityU Germany Summit

  • Регулярно каждый день Регулярно каждую неделю Регулярно через каждые {{ ad.timeRoutine.days | plural:"day" }} Регулярно через каждые {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} каждую неделю через каждые {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • Бесплатно
  • 2378.81
  • 1250 Не ограничено  
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  • bcc Berlin Congress Center GmbH

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