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TYPO3 #CertiFUNcation Day 2017

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Certifun… what?

Can you imagine a day dedicated to current and upcoming TYPO3 Certified Integrators, Developers, Editors and Consultants packed with work, knowledge and lots of fun?

Including a valid Re-Certification*

The TYPO3 Education Committee is proud to present the official “TYPO3 #CertiFUNcation Day” which will take place on

9th June 2017 

at Phantasialand

– one of Europe’s biggest theme parks.

Giving YOU the ultimate chance to refresh your knowledge of TYPO3, get the latest information and rumours direct from the heart of the Community, meet and exchange experiences with like-minded people and find new business opportunities.

Your Take Aways: 

  • Workshop “What’s New in TYPO3” – participation mandatory for Re-Certification*
  • Workshop “TYPO3 Security” – participation mandatory for Re-Certification* 
  • Live Certifications – optional
  • Special evening event with dinner
  • Theme Park entrance fee
  • Exclusive Theme Park Ride
  • * Re-Certification included – Just by attending the mandatory workshops your certification will be extended for an additional 12 months

Target Audience:

  • Upcoming or existing TYPO3 Certified Integrators
  • Upcoming or existing TYPO3 Certified Developers
  • Upcoming or existing TYPO3 Certified Editors
  • Upcoming or existing TYPO3 Certified Consultants
  • Регулярно каждый день Регулярно каждую неделю Регулярно через каждые {{ ad.timeRoutine.days | plural:"day" }} Регулярно через каждые {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} каждую неделю через каждые {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • Бесплатно
  • 12.73
  • 500 Не ограничено  
  • Сроки не определены
  • Phantasialand

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