KNIME users and enthusiasts listen up! Hotel Berlin, Berlin is the venue for the KNIME Spring Summit 2017 and March 15-17, 2017 is when it is taking place. We have invited speakers from the world of data analysis, predictive analytics, and to give presentations and show us exactly how they use KNIME to solve their analytics problems. At this KNIME Spring Summit you will see the diverse range of analytic tasks for which the open source KNIME Analytics Platform is used.
Want to learn more about KNIME in a hands-on course? On Monday and Tuesday you can sign up for KNIME Training Courses. The KNIME week is concluded on Friday with KNIME Workshops given by the KNIME team, the KNIME community and our partners.
We hope this has sparked your curiosity to register for our KNIME Spring Summit and we look forward to seeing familiar and new faces in Berlin. Check out the event website for details.
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- Hotel Berlin, Berlin