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Gato Preto

3 out of 5
  • Other / Entertainment


Gato Preto Tickets


Gato Preto has become one of the most vibrant and extravagant, contemporary African artists. Fusing music and culture from Mozambique to Germany, Ghana to Senegal, this group will have you re-thinking everything you think you know about African music. This afrofuturistic live act „doesn’t just put on a show; it makes a scene“, finds NPR Music. The band built their name through stunning high energetic live performances – they combine Electronic Beats with powerful live percussions and Gata‘s intense strong voice. Their stage outfits, the dancers and visuals make the concerts of Gato Preto to an impressive liveshow, you wouldn´t forget so quick. The music of Gato Preto is the essence of „Rockin´Favela Funk“ from Rio, „Township Grooves“ from South Africa and „Hybrid Tech“ named Kuduro from Angola.

Gato Preto
  • Regular every day Regular every week Regular every {{ ad.timeRoutine.days | plural:"day" }} Regular every {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} every week every {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • No charge
  • 10.35
  • Unlimited  
  • Not timebased
  • Kulturzentrum franz.K

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