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DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE 2017 | Munich Edition

3 out of 5
  • Other / Education


DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE is the Career Festival for Developers in Munich.

Everything at this unique event is focused around one of the most important things ever – YOUR FUTURE.

This event is an exclusive experience that will get you out from behind your computer and surrounded by creativity, inspiration, and motivation.

Interesting speakers, cool tech-Startups and thrilling Networking opportunities are awaiting you! The entry is free for all students, graduates, young professionals and job seekers.

You can find all the infos to DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE 2017 on this site:


DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE ist die Jobmesse für Entwickler in München.

Wir vernetzen Tech-Unternehmen, schnell wachsende Startups und Bildungsinstitutionen mit allen Jobsuchenden und Absolventen, die 2017 Karriere machen wollen!

Getreu dem Motto DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE geht es bei dieser einzigartigen Jobmesse allein um deine Zukunft.

Es erwarten dich interessante Speaker, coole Tech-Startups und spannende Netzwerk-Möglichkeiten.

Der Eintritt ist frei für alle Studenten, Absolventen, Young Professionals und Jobsuchenden.

Alle Infos zur DEVELOP YOUR FUTURE 2017 finden sich unter:


  • Regular every day Regular every week Regular every {{ ad.timeRoutine.days | plural:"day" }} Regular every {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} every week every {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • No charge
  • 0.0
  • 20000 Unlimited  
  • Not timebased

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