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QUO VADIS 2017 - Create.Game.Business - Europe´s Hot Spot for Games Professionals

3 out of 5
  • Presentations / Education


QUO VADIS is Europe's Hot Spot for Games Professionals since 2003

As Europe’s longest-standing professional game developers’ conference, QUO VADIS focuses in depth on all aspects of video game development, business and marketing and addresses developers, publishers, decision-makers, researchers and young talents in the industry. 

More than 3.000 representatives of the games industry have been addressing the question about the future trends of game development every year at QUO VADIS since 2003. During that period, QUO VADIS has become one of Europe's largest conferences in the industry.

With Workshops, panel discussions and lectures, QUO VADIS provides a framework where our participants can discuss the most important topics and trends. From graphic design to sound composition, from storytelling to animation technology - everything has its place at the QUO VADIS conference in Berlin.

QUO VADIS is also the key event of the International Games Week Berlin, a whole week full with all aspects of gaming, more than 15 side events, festivals, B2C events and much more!

Please visit our website www.qvconf.com 

  • Regular every day Regular every week Regular every {{ ad.timeRoutine.days | plural:"day" }} Regular every {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} every week every {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • No charge
  • 125.78
  • 3100 Unlimited  
  • Not timebased
  • Station Berlin

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