Kids workshop: Bubbles vs. Meat
- Kurse / Bildung

Bubbles are a sign on the life within and around that happens naturally from wild yeasts and bacterias on our vegetables and in the air.
Kids Workshop by Alexis Goertz
Limited number of participants: 20 (kids and adults)
Price: 15,00 Euro/ Person
Language: German or English
Description: Fermentation is quickly becoming a lost art, but it is being reclaimed as an energy-efficient, food preservation technique, rooted in our cultural past that provides a unique approach to whole-food nutrition.
Explorations in the history of food and culture have led us to discover interactions and relationships between people and their sources of nourishment. Fermentation is a perfect medium for exploring that relationship, a food preservation method that is inherently safe.
We will be learning together how, where and why bacteria and yeast are everywhere though touch, sight, and smell.
Kids will be given the opportunity to see living yeasts on vegetables and fruits as well as other fun and friendly bacteria’s such as kombucha SCOBYs (symbiotic colonies of bacteria and yeast), and learn how these things help us live as human beings.
We will play a guessing game by putting hands into a bag and guessing what is inside. What is it? A vegetable Meat? Slime?! Kids will be feeling things familiar to them, like carrots, grapes, apples, cabbages, as well as other things that are not so familiar, like kombucha scoby’s, milk kefir scobys, and water kefir grains. We will walk through a story about how these little living microbes need food to survive, just like us, and how they do this and how we use them in our every day lives.
Friendly supported by
Freche Freunde
Himbeer Magazine
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