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Sunset Kirtan & Meditation with Swami Prem Paras

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  • Joga / Sport


Sunset Kirtan & Meditation with Swami Prem Paras

✨ This summer we are delighted to invite you to an incredible night of mantra singing and guided meditation with one of the most devoted and skilled Osho disciples, our dear Swami Prem Paras. "Its all about transformation. Prem means Love. Paras is a touch stone: one who transforms a stone into a diamond. Shrila Prem Paras transmits pure love, Bliss, peace and joyfulness through meditation & music. In his workshops people experience healing, pure Bliss & Silence, Kundalini awakening, enlightenment."

Swami has got a fabulous unique way to share his gifts, his music and his psychic skills in reaching higher consciousness, offering those who join it a powerful, joyful and unforgettable experience! It is a honor to host this happening in our IHOE Villa at the Golden Coast, ZH, and share this auspicious experience with you. A night to celebrate God within each one of us with music, singing, praying, guided meditation and a golden sunset!

✨ Invite your friends and beloved ones.

  • Regelmäßig - jeden Tag Regelmäßig - jede Woche Regelmäßig - jeden {{ ad.timeRoutine.days | plural:"day" }} Regelmäßig - jeden {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} jede Woche jede {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • Kostenlos
  • 42.0
  • 40 Unbegrenzt  
  • Dauerhaft
  • It's Heaven on Earth

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