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Weaving Shibusa - Film Premiere - Presented by Selvedge Run

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  • Sonstiges / Unterhaltung


On the second evening of Selvedge Run’s summer edition in 2017, we invite you to share our passion for Japanese denim at the German film premiere of “Weaving Shibusa” - a story of Japanese craftsmanship and dedication, shown through their love and fascination of denim. The documentary gives unprecedented access to the mysterious and storied industry of Japanese denim, told by the only people who can; world-renowned vintage denim experts, the highly regarded "Osaka 5", responsible for Japan's denim revival, as well as passionate innovators whose unparalleled work has made "Japanese Denim" synonymous with the highest quality possible.

After the screening there will be a Q&A session hosted by the film’s executive producer Kiya Babzani from Self Edge, USA, who is visiting Berlin especially for the occasion. Other event guests include friends, exhibitors at Selvedge Run and featured in the documentary: Mikiharu Tsujita (Fullcount), Atsu Tagaya (Stevenson Overall Co.), Atsu Matsushima (Cutch Magazine), Hajime Inoue (TCB Jeans), Katsu Manabe (Japan blue jeans, Momotaro) & others.

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