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Grand Event Intelligent Millionaires Network Zurich

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Welcome to the Intelligent Millionaires Network (Zurich Chapter)...

The ONLY local group where business owners, entrepreneurs and investors can network and do business together BOTH locally, and GLOBALLY:

  • Listen to Local & International Success Speakers

  • Business Network Locally and Globally (with chapter members on 5 continents)

  • Promote your products, services and brands


You are reading that correctly!!  We will focus on getting you more profits and more results in your business.  We know that's exactly what you need, and you need it now! 

What You Will Learn:

5 things that will be game changers in your business!! 

1. Branding - How you brand yourself and your business is how you set yourself apart.
2. Marketing - Marketing is how you get your business in front of new people.
3. Relationships - Everything comes down to your relationships; are you making the right connections and are you keeping them?
4. Coaching - You can only be as successful as your coaches, so are you getting advice from the right people?
5. Time Management - The one thing you can't make more of is time, so are you maximizing your time and getting a return on investment? 

These are just some of the things we are going to work on to take your business to the next level.  

If you don't have a business yet, that's okay too! we will share what you need to do to get started and keep your business going in the right direction! 

This is going to be a special event that we want you to attend.  We will even bring some people to share their experiences and discuss how they have been able to build successful businesses.  

This event is for… 

Property Investors
Speakers & Coaches
Start-ups or people who don’t have a business yet
THIS IS NOT an event for your EMPLOYEES

P.S. It doesn't matter where you are, all that matters is where you want to be and putting the action plan together to get there! We are going to help you create your action plan.  But only if you come to the Intelligent Millionaires Network Zurich event!  No Excuses.


5:30PM-6:30PM Members Only Accountability Session

6:30PM-7:00PM General Registration & Speed Networking

7:00PM-9:15PM Main Event & Keynote Speaker

9:15PM-Onwards End of Meeting and Additional Networking




We can't wait to see you!  Don't forget to register to attend this event now. And if you are bringing a guest, please make sure they are registered as well! 

NOTE: Success is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. The Choice is Yours


*Who can attend ?

If you have an existing business, a new business or are interested in starting your first business, this special event is for everyone as you are about to learn transformational and innovative ideas that will take ANY business to the next level.

*How can I contact the organizer with any questions?


PS : I hope you sign up for this once off opportunity to really take your life and business to the next level. If you invite friends, colleagues, thats awesome! Let’s change as many lives as possible.

See you there,



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  • Kostenlos
  • 0.0
  • 600 Unbegrenzt  
  • Dauerhaft
  • Holiday Inn Zurich Messe

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