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CUBE Tech Fair

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The CUBE Tech Fair, hosted at CityCube Berlin, is our cutting-edge, flagship conference. It is an exclusive event that brings global visibility to the most important industries in startup innovation by promoting projects between leading industry players and startups. The inaugural event in 2017 will showcase 300+ cross-industry B2B startups who are at the forefront of their industry to over 3,000+ attendees. Startups are also afforded the opportunity to pitch for a €1million prize.

  • Regelmäßig - jeden Tag Regelmäßig - jede Woche Regelmäßig - jeden {{ ad.timeRoutine.days | plural:"day" }} Regelmäßig - jeden {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • {{ ad.timeRoutine.weekDays |printWeekDays }} jede Woche jede {{ ad.timeRoutine.weeks | plural:"week" }}
  • Kostenlos
  • 357.0
  • 29370 Unbegrenzt  
  • Dauerhaft
  • CityCube Berlin

Andere Aktivitäten des Nutzers

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